how to plan a solo trip

How To Plan A Solo Trip

You must be seriously considering going on your first solo trip if you’re reading this. 

Let’s take a moment to celebrate! Congratulations! 

Being someone who travels frequently, I am familiar with the emotional rollercoaster that accompanies embarking on a solo trip as well as the specifics of properly organizing one.

I’ve taken solo trips all over the world and have learned a few practical travel hacks. So, check out my detailed guide below on how to plan a solo trip that is worthy of your bucket list!

How To Plan A Solo Trip For Your Vacation: Step-By-Step Guide

traveling to greece

Experiencing something alone can be a freeing and inspiring experience. Planning a solo trip requires some time and effort, but it’s worth it to prepare yourself for the greatest adventure. Here are the step-by-step guide on how to plan a solo trip for your vacation.

#1: Understand Yourself

When you travel alone, it’s all about you and what drives you. Making all the decisions yourself could seem strange or even unpleasant at first if you’ve never traveled alone.

Before you start, you might not even be aware of how many choices there are! Begin by asking yourself the following questions before making travel plans on your own: What is my preferred way of travel? What approach do I want to take? How much time may I spend by myself?

Planning your solo trip and making decisions based on what matters to you will be helped by providing answers to questions such as these.

#2: Get Ready To Experience Everything

As you get ready for your solo trip, you’re probably going to experience all of these emotions: excitement, fear, overwhelm, calmness, happiness, and anxiety. Remind yourself that this is normal.

It will always be thrilling and terrifying at the same time to venture outside of your comfort zone. But it’s almost always worthwhile. Thus, as the frightful emotions surface, push through them and lean into the positive ones.

#3: Decide On Your Budget 

Now, let’s discuss how it works in real life. Decide your budget for the solo trip first. What is the maximum amount that you are prepared to spend? And what is the intended purpose of that money?

Make all of the following options based on your budget: where to travel, what to do there, how long to stay, etc.

#4: Decide On Your Destination

Choosing the type of trip you wish to take will help you make a decision. Think about choosing a destination with a fantastic beach if all you want to do is unwind and do nothing. Choose a destination with lots of activities like hiking, ziplining, and snorkeling if you’re a more daring solo traveler.

Whenever you travel, check if you will need any vaccinations or a visa. Make sure there won’t be a language barrier by doing some research beforehand.

Make all of the following options based on your budget: where to travel, what to do there, how long to stay, etc.

#5: Plan And Book Your Flight

It’s time to schedule your flight once you have decided where to travel on your first solo trip.

Once you’ve seen your options, I advise making a booking directly with the airline. Airlines favor this rather than have reservations made on websites run by other parties. Tracking all of your travel-related data on a single platform is also more convenient.

#6: Choose And Book Your Accommodation

It’s now time to choose and book your accommodation! Would you like to rent out a full flat on Airbnb? Or do you prefer to stay alone in hostels? Or perhaps you would rather reserve a hotel to get those points? Consider these questions when you’re choosing your accommodation. 

#7: Plan Your Itinerary

My go-to classic travel planning website and software is Google Docs. You may put all of your vacation details in there and share them with loved ones, which is ideal for solo travelers – like you. It also provides real-time updates, so your loved ones back home will be informed right away if your travel schedule changes.

#8: Search And Read About More Solo Travel Trips

Visit Google and the social media sites or platforms of your choice to read about different people’s solo trips. Use the destination’s name to search.

#9: Purchase Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is one of the things that many travelers forget to look at while planning a solo trip. And anyplace, anything might occur!

Consequently, it’s better to be mindful than sorry. Purchasing travel insurance might help you in the event of an emergency while traveling. Knowing that you will be covered in the event of an emergency also eases your mind.

#10: Tell Your Loved Ones About The Itinerary

Keep that Google Doc in use! Always let people at home know about your solo travel itinerary in case of need. If something turns out wrong, having as much information as possible will be helpful. As a solo traveler, you can never be too careful.

#11: Wait For Your Trip

It’s time to wait now that you have completed all the pre-planning and learned how to plan your first solo trip. Read articles and watch videos on whatever place you are visiting to stay motivated. To find out more about your destination from other travelers, join various Facebook groups specialized to solo travel or overseas destinations.

While you wait, you can also learn more about the history and culture by reading books and listening to podcasts.

#12: Purchase Any Necessary Items

Indeed, people shop alone when traveling. If you don’t have an international data plan, some must-have items for solo travelers are a door alarm, portable charger, and portable internet. Also, purchase and bring a first aid kit, a microfibre towel, a reusable water bottle, and noise-canceling headphones.

Of course, if you’re sleeping in a dorm at the hostel and traveling alone, you’ll need a padlock to secure your belongings.

#13: Pack Your Things

Once you’ve worked out all the details of a solo travel, you need to prepare your luggage. Purchase some packing cubes and a durable backpack as well as the previously stated travel essentials. Next, based on the type of travel, decide what kind of attire is most appropriate.

Cheers To Your Solo Trips!

Your alone trip has turned out to be just as planned! It’s time to reward yourself for your hard work now. Enjoy your trip alone to the fullest. Meet new people and have an open mind to new experiences.

Now is the moment to explore all the world has to offer. 

About Rebecca Blackmon
rebecca blackmon travel planner

Meet Rebecca, a travel and fitness aficionado with a mission to inspire others. Fresh out of college in 2017, burdened by student debt and caught in the 9-5 routine, a unique opportunity arose: a 5-day trip to Iceland organized for recent graduates. Despite financial constraints, her wanderlust was undeterred. Taking a bold leap of faith, she secured a credit card and embarked on an unforgettable Icelandic adventure, laying the foundation for her journey as a travel expert. Today, she uses her experiences to empower others to explore the world without boundaries.


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